If you wish to discover more about where and how your gifts can be used to serve others, ask our Servant Leader Coordinator!
Each month we hold an Ownership Class immediately following the Sunday Morning Worship Experience. Enjoy lunch with Pastor Bob and staff members where you can learn more about the mission and vision of Rosewood Community Church and where we believe God has us. Childcare is available by RSVP. We ask that you make reservations by the Friday prior to the scheduled class.

Janis Morgan
Servant Leader Coordinator
Janis enjoys serving in ministry alongside Pastor Bob. However, she’s never considered herself to be a typical pastor’s wife. She challenged herself and earned a masters in Christian Ministries and enjoys leading and teaching. But she might be found serving in the production booth, singing with kids in the nursery, or decorating the sanctuary to highlight the current sermon series. She has an eye for detail and she loves helping people find their niche, so she’s your go-to if you’re a servant leader!
Find Your Place to Serve
Servant Leaders – get involved and serve! Part of godly living is being with a body of believers and caring for and serving each other. We have a place for you to serve whether you are shy or outgoing, creative or strong!
Help owners feel comfortable when arriving, offer guest bags to newcomers
Set up water, coffee, and our info booths for the Sunday Worship Experience
Kid City
Kid City
Play with babies or toddlers and K-5 lessons; set up lesson series art every eight weeks
Set Up and Parking Team
Set Up and Parking Team
Set up flags and signage prior to Sunday Worship Experience or Special Events
Food Pantry Ministry
Food Pantry Ministry
4:00-6:00 pm on alternating Wednesdays, collect food donations, stock shelves, pack grocery bags, and greet guests who visit
Connect Group
Connect Group
Special Events
Special Events
Serve as events coordinator or grillmaster, serve in the kitchen, or help with handyman work
Use Your Gifts